You are unique!

Your health and wellbeing is individual and personal!
There is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Cornerstones of the Coaching Relationship

You, as the client, set the agenda, I go where you lead.

The Process

Book a free discovery call: This will allow us to get to know each other a little, and for me to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. It will allow you to make an informed decision as to whether Health and Wellness coaching is for you!

Co-Create a wellness plan: with clear goals, action steps and milestones, pre-empting barriers and challenges and identifying supports and resources.

Assessment: Assess where you are at in all dimensions of wellness and what you want to accomplish.

Setting the focus: what are desired outcomes, co-creating action steps and a wellness plan. The wellness plan is an agreement for action.

Celebrate success and wins along the way, recognising progress and reinforcing new habits

Work on self: self awareness, fear and resistances are explored. Identification of internal and external barriers and motivations. 

Lasting behavioural and lifestyle change: Lifestyle change has taken hold and the benefit is increased motivation.

Re-assessment maintains awareness and identifies new areas that need attention. 

“ The journey into self-love and self acceptance must begin with self-examination..until you take the journey of self-reflection, it is almost impossible to grow or learn” Iyanla Van Zant, Until Today